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Demystifying DUSC: A Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring FTP Settings


A Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring FTP Settings – A Guide to DUSC

In the vast expanse of the digital world, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) settings can be a daunting and mystifying realm, even for the most tech-savvy individuals. The acronym DUSC, short for Domain, Username, Server, and Connection, may seem like a cryptic code, shrouded in mystery and complexity. But fear not, this comprehensive guide, is here to demystify the enigma of DUSC and empower you with the knowledge to configure your FTP settings with ease.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a novice website owner, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up your FTP settings, ensuring a seamless and secure transfer of files between your local machine and remote server. So, buckle up and get ready to unlock the secrets of DUSC, as we embark on a journey to simplify the complex and make FTP configuration a breeze.

1. What is DUSC and why is it important?

In the world of e-commerce, acronyms, and technical jargon can be overwhelming, especially for those who are new to the scene. One such term that may have left you scratching your head is DUSC. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to shed some light on this mysterious acronym and explain why it’s a crucial component of your online store’s setup.

DUSC stands for “Directory User Security Configuration”, and it’s a vital aspect of configuring your FTP (File Transfer Protocol) settings. In simple terms, DUSC is a security feature that allows you to control access to specific directories within your FTP server. This means that you can dictate who can view, edit, or upload files to specific folders, ensuring that your sensitive data remains protected from unauthorized access.

Think of DUSC as a bouncer at an exclusive nightclub. Just as the bouncer checks IDs and decides who gets in, DUSC acts as a gatekeeper, granting or denying access to your FTP directories based on predetermined permissions. This added layer of security is essential in preventing hacking attempts, data breaches, and other malicious activities that could compromise your online store’s integrity.

By configuring DUSC correctly, you can rest assured that your files are safe from prying eyes, and your online store can operate smoothly without the risk of security threats. In the following sections, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of configuring your FTP settings, including DUSC, to ensure your online store is secure and running like a well-oiled machine.

2. Understanding FTP settings and how they relate to DUSC

When it comes to configuring FTP settings for DUSC, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of the underlying concepts. FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a standard network protocol used to transfer files between a local computer and a remote server over the internet. In the context of DUSC, FTP settings play a crucial role in enabling the seamless transfer of data between your system and the DUSC platform.

To break it down further, FTP settings consist of several key components, including the FTP server address, username, password, and port number. The FTP server address is the URL of the remote server where your files are stored, while the username and password are used to authenticate your access to the server. The port number, on the other hand, specifies the communication endpoint used to connect to the FTP server.

When configuring FTP settings for DUSC, it’s vital to ensure that these components are accurately set up, as any mistakes can result in failed data transfers or, even worse, security breaches. By understanding how FTP settings relate to DUSC, you’ll be able to configure your settings with confidence, ensuring a smooth and secure data transfer process.

3. Preparing for DUSC configuration

Before diving into the configuration of your DUSC (Dealer User Subscription Center) settings, it’s essential to prepare your environment to ensure a seamless and successful setup. This crucial step lays the groundwork for a hassle-free experience, saving you time and frustration in the long run.

To begin, gather all the necessary information and credentials, including your FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server details, login credentials, and any specific permissions required for accessing your server. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of your FTP server structure, including the root directory and any subfolders that will be used for data transfer.

Next, verify that your FTP server is properly configured and functioning correctly. This includes checking firewall settings, ensuring that the necessary ports are open, and testing your FTP connection to guarantee that you can upload and download files without any issues.

By taking the time to prepare your environment and gather all the necessary information, you’ll be able to navigate the DUSC configuration process with confidence, avoiding common pitfalls and ensuring a smooth integration with your FTP settings.

4. Step 1: Setting up your FTP server

Setting up your FTP server is the first crucial step in configuring your DUSC (Data Upload and Syncing Capability) settings. This is where you lay the foundation for a seamless data transfer process between your server and your application. Think of it as building a reliable highway for your data to travel on, ensuring that your files reach their destination efficiently and securely.

To set up your FTP server, you’ll need to choose a reliable FTP hosting service that meets your specific needs. There are many options available, ranging from free services like FileZilla to paid solutions like GoDaddy or Bluehost. Once you’ve selected your hosting service, you’ll need to create an FTP account, which typically involves providing a username, password, and server address.

Next, you’ll need to configure your FTP server settings, including the port number, encryption method, and file transfer protocol (FTP, SFTP, or FTPS). This may require some technical expertise, but don’t worry – we’ll walk you through each step in detail. With your FTP server set up and configured, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step in the DUSC configuration process: connecting to your FTP server using your chosen FTP client.

5. Step 2: Configuring DUSC protocol

Now that you’ve successfully set up your FTP server, it’s time to dive into the heart of DUSC configuration: setting up the DUSC protocol. This crucial step ensures that your file transfer process is secure, efficient, and tailored to your specific needs. To begin, navigate to the DUSC configuration panel, typically located within your FTP server’s settings or control panel. Here, you’ll be presented with a range of options to customize the protocol to your liking.

First, you’ll need to specify the protocol version you wish to use. Depending on your server and system requirements, you may opt for the latest version, which offers enhanced security features and improved performance. Next, you’ll need to configure the encryption settings, choosing from a range of algorithms to ensure that your data remains protected during transmission. Be sure to select an encryption method that is compatible with your FTP client and server software.

Additionally, you may want to set up user authentication and access controls to restrict who can access your files and folders. This is particularly important if you’re dealing with sensitive or confidential data. By specifying user roles and permissions, you can ensure that only authorized individuals can upload, download, or modify files.

Finally, take a moment to review and test your DUSC protocol configuration to ensure that it’s functioning as intended. This may involve uploading a test file or verifying that your FTP client can connect successfully. With your DUSC protocol configured, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the benefits of secure and efficient file transfers.

6. Step 3: Setting up user authentication

Now that we’ve successfully established a connection to the FTP server, it’s time to set up user authentication. This crucial step ensures that only authorized users can access and manipulate files on your server. Imagine leaving your virtual doors wide open, allowing anyone to waltz in and make changes to your website’s files – a recipe for disaster!

In the realm of FTP, user authentication is typically achieved through a combination of a username and password. This duo serves as the unique identifier for your user account, granting access to the designated files and directories.

To set up user authentication, you’ll need to provide the required credentials, which are usually obtained from your web hosting provider or created during the initial setup of your FTP server. Be sure to enter the correct username and password, as any mistakes will result in denied access.

Once you’ve entered the correct credentials, the FTP client will authenticate your login and grant access to the designated files and directories. This is where you can begin to upload, download, and manage files on your server, all while maintaining a secure and controlled environment.

With user authentication in place, you can rest assured that your files are protected from unauthorized access, and you’re one step closer to successfully configuring your FTP settings.

7. Step 4: Defining data transfer settings

Now that you’ve successfully established a connection to your FTP server, it’s time to define the data transfer settings that will govern how files are exchanged between your local machine and the remote server. This crucial step is often overlooked, but it’s essential to ensure that your files are transferred efficiently and accurately.

In this step, you’ll need to specify the file transfer protocol, which dictates how files are transmitted over the network. You’ll have two options to choose from: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). While FTP is the traditional protocol, SFTP is a more secure option that encrypts data during transmission, making it the recommended choice for most users.

Additionally, you’ll need to set the file transfer mode, which determines how files are stored on the remote server. You can choose between Binary and ASCII modes, depending on the type of files you’re transferring. Binary mode is ideal for transferring images, videos, and other binary files, while ASCII mode is suitable for text files.

By configuring these data transfer settings correctly, you’ll be able to transfer files quickly and securely, ensuring that your data is protected from unauthorized access. With these settings in place, you’ll be ready to move on to the final step of configuring your DUSC settings.

8. Step 5: Configuring security and encryption

Now that we’ve navigated the foundational setup of our FTP connection, it’s time to lock it down with robust security and encryption measures. This critical step is often overlooked, but it’s essential to ensure the integrity of your data and prevent unauthorized access. Imagine a scenario where sensitive files are compromised or, worse, your entire system is hijacked by malicious actors. By configuring security and encryption correctly, you can rest assured that your data is protected from prying eyes.

In this step, we’ll delve into the world of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. These cryptographic protocols establish an encrypted connection between your client and server, safeguarding your data in transit. You’ll learn how to generate and install SSL certificates, configure encryption protocols, and set up secure data transfer protocols like SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS). By the end of this step, you’ll have a fortified FTP connection that’s impervious to cyber threats and ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of your data.

9. Step 6: Testing your DUSC configuration

The moment of truth! You’ve carefully configured your DUSC settings, and now it’s time to put them to the test. In this crucial step, you’ll verify that your FTP settings are functioning correctly, ensuring seamless data transfer between your system and the DUSC server.
Imagine sending a “test file” as a digital messenger, carrying vital information about your setup. This file will be uploaded to the DUSC server, and if everything is configured correctly, it will be successfully received and processed.

To initiate the test, navigate to the FTP settings section and click on the “Test Connection” button. This will trigger the upload of your test file, and you’ll be notified of the outcome. If the test is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation message, indicating that your DUSC configuration is accurate and ready for live usage.

However, if the test fails, don’t panic! This is an opportunity to troubleshoot and identify any configuration errors. Review your settings carefully, and double-check that all credentials, server addresses, and file paths are correct. Make any necessary adjustments, and then retry the test until you achieve a successful connection.

By testing your DUSC configuration, you’ll gain confidence in your setup and ensure that your data is being transmitted efficiently and securely. With this critical step complete, you’re just one step away from going live with your DUSC integration!

10. Troubleshooting common DUSC configuration issues

The moment of truth: you’ve carefully configured your DUSC settings, but instead of seamless file transfers, you’re met with error messages and frustration. Don’t panic! Troubleshooting common DUSC configuration issues is a crucial part of the process. In this section, we’ll walk you through the most common pitfalls and provide you with the troubleshooting tools you need to get back on track.

From incorrect FTP server addresses to mismatched encryption protocols, we’ll cover the most frequent errors that can bring your file transfer process to a grinding halt. You’ll learn how to identify and resolve issues such as connection timeouts, authentication failures, and file permission errors. With our expert guidance, you’ll be able to pinpoint the root cause of the problem and implement the necessary fixes to get your DUSC configuration up and running smoothly.

By the end of this section, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to tackle even the most stubborn DUSC configuration issues, ensuring that your file transfers are fast, secure, and reliable. So, let’s dive in and get troubleshooting!

11. Best practices for DUSC configuration and maintenance

As you’ve successfully navigated the complexities of configuring your FTP settings for DUSC, it’s essential to adopt best practices to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance. A well-maintained DUSC setup is crucial to preventing errors, data inconsistencies, and security breaches. To avoid these pitfalls, follow these expert-recommended best practices for DUSC configuration and maintenance:

Regularly review and update your FTP settings to reflect changes in your business processes or system upgrades. This will prevent data discrepancies and ensure that your DUSC setup remains aligned with your evolving business needs.

Implement a robust backup and recovery strategy to safeguard your data in the event of unexpected errors or system failures. This will minimize downtime and ensure business continuity.

Establish a clear access control policy to restrict FTP access to authorized personnel only. This will prevent unauthorized data breaches and maintain the integrity of your sensitive business information.

Schedule regular system audits to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities, ensuring that your DUSC setup remains secure and compliant with industry regulations.

By incorporating these best practices into your DUSC configuration and maintenance routine, you’ll be able to optimize your FTP settings, minimize errors, and ensure a secure and efficient data exchange process.

12. Advanced DUSC configuration options

Now that you’ve successfully set up the basic FTP settings for your DUSC configuration, it’s time to dive into the advanced options that will take your file transfer capabilities to the next level. In this section, we’ll explore the finer details of DUSC configuration, allowing you to fine-tune your setup to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Here, you’ll have the opportunity to customize your FTP settings to optimize performance, enhance security, and streamline file transfers. From configuring bandwidth throttling to limit the impact of file transfers on your network, to setting up encryption methods to ensure the secure transmission of sensitive data, these advanced options will give you the granular control you need to get the most out of your DUSC setup.

Whether you’re looking to implement automated file transfers, configure custom FTP commands, or integrate your DUSC setup with other systems and applications, this section will provide you with the detailed guidance and expert insights you need to unlock the full potential of your DUSC configuration. By mastering these advanced options, you’ll be able to create a tailored FTP solution that meets the unique requirements of your organization, ensuring seamless file transfers, enhanced productivity, and improved overall efficiency.

13. Conclusion: Mastering DUSC configuration for seamless file transfers

With the final steps of configuring your DUSC settings now behind you, you can confidently say goodbye to the frustration of file transfer issues and hello to a seamless, hassle-free experience. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve successfully demystified the often-daunting world of DUSC configuration, unlocking the full potential of your FTP settings.

As you navigate the world of file transfers, you’ll no longer be held back by the limitations of poorly configured settings. Instead, you’ll be free to focus on the tasks that matter most, secure in the knowledge that your files are being transferred efficiently and securely. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newbie to the world of FTP, you now possess the expertise to tackle even the most complex file transfer scenarios with ease.

So, go ahead and take a deep breath, knowing that your DUSC configuration is now optimized for success. With this newfound mastery, you’re ready to tackle any file transfer challenge that comes your way, and your workflows will be all the better for it. Congratulations on taking the first step towards a more efficient, more productive you!

With the mysteries of DUSC finally unraveled, you’re now empowered to take control of your FTP settings and streamline your file transfers like a pro! By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this post, you’ll be able to configure your FTP settings with ease, saving you time, reducing frustration, and opening up a world of possibilities for efficient file management. As you embark on this newfound journey of FTP mastery, remember that the power to simplify your workflow is in your hands. Go forth and conquer the world of file transfers!

How to Update Dell PowerEdge Firmware: A Guide for Xigmanas Users


Upgrading Dell PowerEdge Firmware Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide for Xigmanas Users

The Dell Unified Server Configurator (USC) is a powerful tool that enables seamless deployment, maintenance, and configuration of Dell servers. Among its numerous capabilities, the USC allows users to tailor the FTP settings to their specific requirements, ensuring efficient and secure file transfers. In this guide, we delve into the nuances of configuring FTP settings using the Dell Unified Server Configurator, providing a comprehensive overview of the process and its impact on server management.

Whether you’re a seasoned IT administrator or a tech enthusiast, understanding how to optimize FTP settings with the USC is essential for maximizing the performance and security of your Dell servers. Join us as we explore the intricacies of Dell Unified Server Configurator FTP settings and their pivotal role in server management.

Dell PowerEdge servers have been a reliable choice for businesses looking for efficient and powerful server options. With frequent updates and advancements in technology, it’s important to keep your server up to date with the latest firmware. However, upgrading firmware on Dell PowerEdge servers has become increasingly challenging, especially for users of Xigmanas – formerly known as NAS4Free. But fear not, in this blog post we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to make the firmware upgrade process smooth and hassle-free.

The Challenge: Dell’s Recent Changes

In 2019, Dell made significant changes to their firmware upgrade process, in particular for 11th and 12th-generation PowerEdge servers. Previously, users were able to update their firmware by connecting to FTP sites such as ftp.dell.com. However, with the recent changes, this option is no longer available for these specific server generations. This created a roadblock for Xigmanas users who relied on this method to update their server’s BIOS.

The Solution: Creating Your FTP Repository

To overcome this challenge, Xigmanas users can create their own FTP repository locally on their NAS. This enables them to update their firmware using the Unified Server Configurator (USC) tool. To get started, users can download the Dell Repository Manager software, which is free and available for Windows operating systems. Once downloaded, add a repository and select “PowerEdge” from the line of business options. From there, you can choose your specific device model and download the necessary update files.

Preparing for the Upgrade

Before upgrading your PowerEdge server’s firmware, it is crucial to take some precautionary measures. This includes shutting down all virtual machines and containers to avoid data loss or interruptions during the updating process. It is also recommended to back up any important data to ensure its safety. Once these steps are complete, you can proceed with the upgrade.

Using USC Tool for Firmware Update

To use the USC tool, first, access your server’s BIOS by pressing the F10 key during the boot process. From there, select “Platform Update” and then “Launch Platform Update.” You will be presented with two options – FTP and local drive (DVD/USB). As mentioned earlier, since FTP is no longer an option, you can choose to use a DVD or USB to run the updates. However, this method did not work for many Xigmanas users. Alternatively, you can create a network share using Samba and try connecting through it. But again, this method is not always successful.

In this case, the best option is to use FTP via the USC tool. To do this, choose “Custom” and then “Systems.” Select your PowerEdge server model and click on “start update.” This will prompt you to enter the IP address of your repository and provide the necessary login credentials. Once connected, the update process should begin smoothly.

Benefits of Using Your FTP Repository

Creating your own FTP repository may seem like an extra step, but it offers several advantages. First and foremost, it bypasses Dell’s recent changes and allows Xigmanas users to easily update their firmware. It also provides more control over the update process as you can choose which specific updates to install rather than downloading files from a public FTP site.

Tips for a Successful Firmware Upgrade

While the steps mentioned above should help you successfully upgrade your PowerEdge server’s firmware from Xigmanas, here are some additional tips that can make the process even smoother:

1. Ensure your NAS has enough space to accommodate the updated files.
2. Enable anonymous user access in your NAS settings.
3. Make sure your server’s BIOS is set to “Legacy Boot”.
4. When creating the network share for Samba, use the following command: net use z: \\ip.of.nas\ftp /user:anonymous.


With Dell’s recent changes to their firmware update process, it has become more challenging for Xigmanas users to keep their PowerEdge servers updated. However, by creating your own FTP repository and using the USC tool, you can easily overcome this challenge and ensure that your server is running on the latest firmware. Just remember to take the necessary precautions and follow the tips mentioned above for a smooth and successful upgrade process. Happy updating!

How to Update Dell PowerEdge Servers the Easy Way


Updating Dell PowerEdge Servers the Easy Way: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a proud owner of Dell PowerEdge servers in your home lab but struggling with how to update them now that they are no longer supported? Look no further, as this article will show you an easy and efficient way to update your PowerEdge servers using the Dell EMC Repository Manager software.

The first thing you need to do is head over to Dell’s support page for PowerEdge servers and select your server model. You will see a list of updates available for download, but keep in mind that you need to choose an operating system that is compatible with your server. However, downloading updates individually can be tedious and time-consuming. This is where the Dell EMC Repository Manager comes in.

You can easily download the Dell EMC Repository Manager software from the Dell support page. Once installed on your Windows system, you will be greeted with a not-so-intuitive interface. But don’t worry, this article will guide you through it step-by-step.

The first step is to add a repository for your server. You can click on the “Repository Manager” tab and then go to “Add Repository.” Here, you need to select the “Custom” option under Catalog Groups and choose the “Update Catalog GZ format for Enterprise Servers.” Then, scroll down and select the December 2019 update catalog, which is the last one that supports 11th-generation servers like the R710. Click “Save” to import this file into the software.

Next, you need to select the system you want to create a repository for. You can choose your server model from the drop-down menu and click on “Save.” This will create a new repository with all the necessary updates for your server.

But what if you have specialized updates, like for a specialized RAID card? In that case, you can create a trimmed-down version of the repository by selecting the components you want to exclude from the updates. This will ensure that your customized setup remains intact.

Once you have created the repository, it’s time to generate a bootable ISO file that will update your PowerEdge servers. Click on the repository and go to “Jobs” to see the progress of the ISO file creation. This can take a while, so be patient. Once it’s done, you can transfer the ISO file to a USB drive using a tool like Rufus.

Now that you have your bootable ISO file, it’s time to update your server. The process is simple – just boot from the USB drive and follow the on-screen instructions. The updates will be applied automatically, and you will have a fully updated server in no time.

But what about devices like the R710 that are no longer supported? You can still use this method to update them! Just follow the same steps and select the appropriate system and catalog while creating the repository. This method is extremely useful for servers that have reached end-of-support but are still in use in home labs.

There is another advantage of using the Dell EMC Repository Manager – you can create a customized repository for any device in your inventory, not just PowerEdge servers. This allows for easy management and updates for all your Dell devices.


Updating Dell PowerEdge servers may seem like a daunting task, especially with the discontinuation of support for older models. But with the Dell EMC Repository Manager software, it’s easier than ever. Just follow the simple steps outlined in this guide, and you will have updated servers ready for use in no time. So why wait? Give it a try and see for yourself how easy it is to keep your Dell PowerEdge servers up-to-date!

Rogue System Detection: An Essential Tool for ePO Admins – A Guide


Rogue System Detection: An Essential Tool for ePO Admins

Are you an ePO administrator who is constantly on the lookout for new ways to enhance your security infrastructure? If so, then you may have come across the term “Rogue System Detection”, or RSD for short. RSD has been around since the late 90s, but many ePO admins are unaware of its capabilities and how it can benefit their organization’s security. In this article, we will dive into what RSD is, how it works, and why it should be an essential tool in every ePO administrator’s toolkit.

So, what exactly is Rogue System Detection? Simply put, it is an add-on feature for ePO that allows administrators to detect and monitor devices on their network that do not have a McAfee agent (now known as Trellix agent) installed. This means that even devices without an agent, such as servers, switches, or wireless access points, can be identified and managed through ePO.

RSD was first introduced in 1999 when the CEO of McAfee (then known as Network Associates) approached a customer with a common problem – how to ensure that all endpoints on the network have a McAfee agent installed. The solution? RSD. This tool uses Layer Two discovery to scan and identify devices with MAC addresses on a specific network subnet. It then reports this information back to the ePO server, where administrators can take action to secure these devices.

One of the best things about RSD is that it is included in your existing ePO license and can be easily added as an add-on feature. That means there is no extra cost involved and you can start using it right away. So why should you add RSD to your ePO arsenal? Let’s take a closer look at how it works and its benefits.

How Does Rogue System Detection Work?

The first step to using RSD is to install it on your ePO server. This can be done by navigating to the software catalog in the ePO console and checking it in. Once installed, you can access RSD by going to the “Systems” menu and clicking on “Rogue System Detection”.

From here, you will see a list of detected systems, i.e., devices without a McAfee agent. You can see the managed systems (those with an agent) and detected systems (those without an agent) separately. RSD functions by listening for Layer Two traffic on the network and identifying devices with MAC addresses that are not associated with an agent. It then creates an entry for these devices in the “detected systems” list, making it easy for administrators to see what devices are present on their network.

Once RSD is installed and running, administrators have several options to take action on these detected systems. They can deploy an agent to the device using the “deploy agent” feature, which will automatically add it to the managed systems list. This enables administrators to have complete visibility of all devices on their network, even those without an agent.

Benefits of using Rogue System Detection

1. Complete visibility of all devices

The most significant advantage of using RSD is that it provides administrators with complete visibility of all devices on their network, whether they have an agent or not. This means that no device can go unnoticed or unmanaged, improving your overall security posture.

2. Identifies rogue devices

Another benefit of RSD is that it helps identify rogue devices on your network. These could be devices that have been added without authorization or devices that have not been properly secured. With RSD, you can quickly identify these devices and take steps to secure them before they become a threat.

3. Helps identify unprotected devices

In addition to rogue devices, RSD also helps identify unprotected devices. This could include servers or workstations missed during the agent deployment process or devices that have been offline and not received updates in a while. By identifying these devices, administrators can ensure that all endpoints on the network are protected.

4. Can be used for targeted deployments

RSD also allows for targeted deployments of the agent. If you want to install the agent on a specific group of devices, such as servers or workstations, you can use RSD to identify those devices and deploy the agent only to them. This helps save time and resources by not deploying the agent to all devices on the network.

5. Easy integration with ePO

One of the best things about RSD is that it integrates seamlessly with ePO, making it a convenient tool for administrators. All the functionality of RSD can be accessed through the ePO console, making it easy to manage and monitor your network’s security.


Rogue System Detection is an essential tool for ePO administrators who want complete visibility and control over their network’s security. Its ability to identify and manage devices without an agent makes it a valuable asset in any organization’s security arsenal. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to add RSD to your ePO environment and take your network security to the next level!

How Microsoft’s Security Tool can Spot Rogue Devices on Your Network


How Lansweeper Embedded Technologies Protects Your Network from Rogue Devices

In today’s increasingly digital world, wireless devices are everywhere. From smartphones and laptops to smart home appliances, we rely on these devices for everything from work to entertainment and fitness. However, with the proliferation of connected devices, there has also been an increase in the threat of rogue devices.

A rogue device is any unauthorized wireless device that is connected to a network. These devices can be used to steal information or disrupt network operations, often through the use of malware. They can be anything from access points like routers to end-user devices such as phones and laptops, or even IoT devices like smart refrigerators or doorbells.

The rise in remote and hybrid work models due to the pandemic has only exacerbated this issue. With more people working from home and connecting to corporate networks with multiple unsecured devices, it has become a challenge for organizations to detect and manage these rogue devices effectively.

But what if there was a way for telecom providers and businesses to help their customers protect their networks by automatically detecting and recognizing rogue devices? That’s where Lansweeper Embedded Technologies comes in.

Lansweeper has developed a market-leading technology, Credential-Free Device Recognition (CDR), that can detect rogue devices and provide complete visibility into all network-connected IT, OT, and IoT devices in just seconds. This patented device fingerprinting technology uses advanced machine-learning techniques to identify all connected devices, even those that connect only briefly.

Lansweeper’s CDR technology is designed to work seamlessly behind the scenes, continuously updating the IT asset inventory with the most accurate device information from a database of over 900 million uniquely identified devices. This means that even if a rogue device connects to the network for just a brief moment, it will be detected and recognized by Lansweeper’s solution.

What sets Lansweeper’s CDR technology apart is its credential-free approach. It does not require any access to privileged information on a user’s device, making it completely secure. Additionally, it uses common network protocols and avoids deep scan and packet inspection, which would require additional hardware and software resources and drive up costs.

So how does Lansweeper’s CDR technology benefit organizations and their customers? For businesses, it provides complete network visibility at all times, ensuring that no unauthorized devices are connected to the network and posing a potential threat. This is particularly important for businesses that deal with sensitive data or operate in highly regulated industries.

For telecom providers, integrating Lansweeper’s CDR technology into their products can give them a competitive advantage by offering customers tools to manage their home networks effectively. With the increasing number of connected devices in homes, customers need a reliable solution to protect their personal information and prevent unauthorized access to their networks.

With Lansweeper’s CDR technology integrated into their products, telecom providers can empower customers with detailed dashboards that display all connected devices in their homes, along with information on data usage and signal strength. In case of a rogue device infiltrating the network, customers will be immediately alerted, allowing them to isolate and disable the device before it causes any harm.

Moreover, Lansweeper’s CDR technology can be easily integrated into hardware or software products through APIs and SDKs. On-premises solutions are also available for those who prefer to have more control over the scanning process.

In conclusion, rogue devices on networks pose a significant threat to both businesses and consumers. However, with Lansweeper’s CDR technology, organizations can proactively detect and manage these devices, ensuring the security of their networks and sensitive data. Telecom providers can also differentiate themselves by offering customers a reliable solution to protect their home networks from malicious activity. Don’t leave your network vulnerable to rogue devices – embrace Lansweeper’s CDR technology today.

How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating An Account


How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating an Account

How to Pay with PayPal Without Creating an Account

NOTE: You don’t need to have a PayPal account and you don’t need to create one before you pay with your Card.

Let’s use Office 2019 or Office 2021 as the product you want to buy on spotkeys.com.

Follow the steps below:

1) On the Product Page: Click on the “Add to Cart” button

How to Make Payment with Your Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal
How to Make Payment with Your Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal


2) Cart Page: Click on “Proceed to Checkout” as shown in the image below:

How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account
How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account

3) Checkout Page: Select the PayPal option and click on the “Proceed to PayPal” button as shown in the image below.

How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account
How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account

4) On the PayPal Page: “Click on Create an Account” button as shown in the image below. NOTE: Don’t worry, you will not create an account. Just click on it to enable the last page to open so that you can enter your debit or credit card details without creating an account.

How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account
How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account

5) On the next PayPal page. Complete all the fields here. Your Card details and personal details need to be completed in the provided form.

NOTE: If your Home country is not listed, choose a country close to your country as this is just a formality, and complete all the remaining details there.

Check on the box to accept the “PayPal user agreement”. Then click on the “Agree & Pay” button as shown in the image below.

How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account
How to Pay with Debit or Credit Card Via PayPal Without Creating Any Account

You just need to wait a few seconds (depending on the speed of your internet connectivity) for PayPal to confirm your payment. As soon as your payment is confirmed, you will be directed back to the merchant’s website.

How to Activate Microsoft Visio 2019 & Microsoft Project By Telephone


How to Activate Microsoft Visio 2019 & Microsoft Project By Telephone



If you experience difficulties Activating your Software Online, follow the steps below to Activate your Microsoft Visio 2019 & Microsoft Project product by Telephone…

Step 1:
Start any Microsoft Office program (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc) to open the activation wizard.

Step 2:
Select: ‘I want to activate the software by telephone’.

Step 3:

Select your county/region from the dropdown (ie. United States) and call the number provided.


Note: If you see a notice that telephone activation is no longer supported for your product, it can still be accomplished by calling the following:

Office 2010: (888) 652-2342
Office 2007: (866) 432-3012

Step 4:
In the phone call, You will be prompted to Enter the Installation ID code provided by/in the installation wizard (note: Step 2 in the wizard).

Step 5:
You will be given/provided sets of numbers.
Enter number sets into the text boxes.

Step 6:
After you have entered the number sets (provided by telephone activation) into the (text) boxes, Hit ‘Next’ and then ‘Finish’.

[Congratulations, you’ve successfully activated your product by telephone !]

Is Adobe Photoshop CC Worth it?


Is Adobe Photoshop CC worth it? – A Guide

You can find a lot of users who love using Adobe Photoshop. Similarly, you can find a lot of them who just don’t like it at all. Is Photoshop free? Yes, you can try the older versions for free, but for some, you have to pay. In this Adobe Photoshop review, we are going to take a look at what Adobe Photoshop CC offers so you can decide whether you should buy it or not. Let’s go ahead and check out the features of the software.

Is Adobe Photoshop CC worth it?

Today, you can buy Photoshop and Lightroom for a monthly subscription of $9.99. It’s the tools and features that make the latest installment of the software worth the money. Let’s discuss them one by one.

  1. Interface

The UI of Photoshop CC has gone through a lot of changes. For instance, the welcome screen allows you to view the thumbnails of your most recent files. Plus, it gives you direct access to your presets and libraries. So, if you are using Photoshop CC for the first time, you can get access to custom tutorials on the home screen.

Apart from the welcome screen, the developers have changed the icons. Now, the color of the interface is consistent across the software. Also, they have made many changes for the users of Microsoft Surface. For instance, it can detect many gestures and keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Mobile Design

The project you are working on should look great on mobile devices as well. With Adobe Photoshop CC, it’s possible to get the Adobe Preview CC Mobile app for your smartphone and tablet.

Similarly, the Design Space was also upgraded. Now, the toolset is quite simple and the workspace is quite small. The Artboard allows you to make files with different views based on the screen sizes as mobile phones and tablets have different screen sizes.

  1. Apps and libraries

Adobe Photoshop CC has evolved libraries. They allow you to sync documents, brushes, font styles, and color themes. Apart from these, you can also use other apps for synchronization. Some of these apps include Hue CC, Premiere Clip, and Photoshop Mix. And the good thing is that all of them are free.

  1. Adobe Stock

After Fotolia’s acquisition, the software now offers more than 40 million illustrations, video clips, images, and vectors. And the good thing is that even if you are not a subscriber of Creative Cloud, you can buy these assets.

Besides, Adobe allows you to sell the assets you have created. You get 33% share of the sales. Therefore, if you want to make money with Photoshop CC, this is your chance to get started. You can create as many assets as you want and get paid for each of them.

  1. New Font Tricks

If you have been using Photoshop for a while, you may notice a significant change when it comes to the fonts. Now, the software allows you to use a filter to choose your desired fonts.

Some popular categories include serif, blackletter, and script. Also, you can get a list of similar fonts. This upgrade can save you a great deal of time, which you can invest in other projects of your choice.

  1. Behance Integration

If you are a creative professional, you may be familiar with Behance. With this tool, you can share your project or portfolio to get feedback from others. Adobe Photoshop CC allows you to share your project with a click.

Apart from this, Behance can help you look for clients. This way you can get hired for different assignments. This is a great feature for those who are already providing their services in this field.

  1. Tools for Photo Editors

Now, we are going to talk about the photo editing tools the software offers. Adobe Photoshop CC supports several raw files created by cameras. Therefore, you can easily make your desired corrections or effects. For instance, you can add or remove objects or create stained-glass effects. With time, all of these things keep getting better.

Another great feature is the one that allows you to reduce the camera shake. This feature analyzes the image and aligns the pixels automatically. Upright is another geometry correction feature that can fix vertical, horizontal, and parallel lines.

  1. A new set of Tools for Designers and artists

If you have old photos, they may not look so good on higher-resolution displays. With Adobe Photoshop CC, you can use the upsampling algorithm to resolve the problem. For designers, it helps with the generation of the CSS code. Besides, you can also import your favorite color from the HTML or CSS code from a site. Again, this can make your life much easier.

  1. 3D Tools

The 3D tools are greatly improved as well. They are much faster and allow realistic rendering of shadows. Additionally,  if you are a new user, you can download some sample 3D files.

Adobe Photoshop CC can create copies of your 3D objects to show the edits you may have made. Plus, the software makes it easier for you to create and export 3D objects that you can print.

  1. New Export features

The Export features have also been upgraded. Now, exporting is much faster and allows you to save space by compressing the files. And we have another interesting upgrade as well, which is the ability to export in several different sizes simultaneously. Aside from this, the software allows you to export only one layer. The same goes for Artboards.

The takeaway:

Long story short, with all of these upgraded and new features of Adobe Photoshop CC, it’s safe to say that the monthly fee is worth it. All the tools and features make this deal a great one to grab. The regular updates make this a great choice as far as membership fees are concerned. You can head to the official website of Adobe to take a look at different membership plans and opt for one that best suits your needs.

Which Adobe Photoshop Version is Best?


Which Adobe Photoshop version is best? – A Guide

Are you looking for the best Adobe Photoshop version for beginners? If so, this post can help you opt for the right one. We have discussed a lot of versions designed for PC users. Since Photoshop is the most widely used software for photo editors, the developer has introduced many versions. Therefore, based on your specific needs, you can check out the features of a certain version and make your decision accordingly.

As far as choosing the right version is concerned, you need to consider a lot of factors. First of all, you need to evaluate your skills and abilities. For instance, if you are just getting started, you may not want to go for the most recent version. There are different versions available. They are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced-level users. So, a basic version should work better for you if you don’t know how to use the software for the first time.

To get you started, we have reviewed a list of different versions of Adobe Photoshop. Aside from this, we have also discussed some solid reasons why users should go for a specific version. What you should do is compare the features of different versions and then ask yourself which one can meet your needs based on your skill and experience level.

Which Adobe Photoshop version is best

Adobe Photoshop CC

The good thing about Adobe Photoshop CC is that it’s a great combination of both basic and advanced tools. What does this mean? This means that if you are looking for an easy-to-use solution to meet your image editing needs, you can check it out.

Some users may not be familiar with this solution. For them, it’s much better to check out some tutorials first. The purpose of these tutorials is to teach beginners how to use the software for the first time. They can help you get started more easily. So, following these helpful resources can save you a lot of time.

Adobe Photoshop PS

The PS series offers another set of great versions of the solution. If you have already used the older versions of the tool, we suggest that check out Adobe Photoshop PS. The good thing about this one is that it is an updated tool.

This version offers several new tools and a lot of other options that can be much easier to learn even for new users. Therefore, you may want to buy Adobe Photoshop PS as well. This is one of the best Photoshop versions for Windows 10 and 11.

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended is on the list of best Photoshop versions for PC. This one helps you improve your image editing skills. This package has a lot of great features that can be found in other solutions, such as Fireworks, Premiere, Dreamware, and Acrobat, to name a few.

If you are looking to enjoy all these features, you can head to the official website to download the software. With this tool on your PC, you don’t need to download other software solutions mentioned above. This is an all-in-one solution.

Adobe Photoshop CS

If you are in search of the best Adobe Photoshop versions for PC, this is the one you should try out. There is a difference between the CS and the CC version. The difference is that the CS series is a kind of standalone package and is not linked to the online service called Adobe Creative Cloud.

As far as the opinion of CS users is concerned, it offers faster performance and doesn’t occupy a lot of space on your PC RAM. So, if you don’t have a lot of RAM installed in your PC, you can still install this software and enjoy editing your images. Aside from this, it allows you to edit your photos efficiently. Therefore, trying out this tool is a great idea.

Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 is another version of the software that you may want to consider. Unlike the previous versions listed above, this one has several benefits. Below is a description of some of them:

  • Offers access to the photos in Lightroom
  • Allows you to customize fonts, such as changing the optical size, width, and weight, to name a few
  • Offers a set of tricks that you can use with the tools for better performance
  • It has a special learning panel that allows you to share things quickly
  • It offers support for Microsoft Surface

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Adobe Photoshop CS3 is the most recommended version of the software. If you are looking for comfortable software for editing photos, experts suggest that this software offers an easy environment. Listed below are some of the great features offered by the tool.

  • Auto-align layers: you need to spend a lot of time aligning the layers
  • Vanishing Point
  • Refine Edge
  • Quick Selection
  • Smart Filters
  • Speed
  • New UI

These are just some of the features that set this version apart from all the others you can find on the web. If you need the mentioned features for your editing projects, you can download this software from the official site.

Before you go for any of these versions, we suggest that you compare the features as well as the price tags. This is quite important if you have a set budget to invest in these photo editing tools. And you don’t want to cross your budget no matter what.


Long story short, these are just 6 of the best Adobe Photoshop versions for your desktop PC or laptop. Make sure you go for a version that best meets your needs as far as photo editing is concerned. You can also consider buying the Adobe Photoshop latest version. It may cost a bit more but the extra cost is worth it as the features will make your projects much easier to work on.

How Much Does Adobe Photoshop CC Cost?


How much does Adobe Photoshop CC cost? – A Gude

Adobe Photoshop CC is not available as a one-time purchase solution. It can be accessed only if you pay for a Creative Cloud subscription aka Adobe Cloud storage. Some people may not be ready to pay for the monthly subscription but it’s worth the cost. In this article, we are going find out how much does Adobe Photoshop CC costs. Read on to find out about Photoshop’s price and other things that you may need to consider.

Photoshop can help you get the most out of your imagination. In other words, Photoshop has all that you need to enhance your images creatively. Although it can help you make detailed adjustments to your photos, it doesn’t come with some special integrated tools. You can only find these tools in Lightroom.

With Photoshop, you can do almost anything with your images. However, for best performance, you should check out the paid version called Adobe Photoshop CC. It has a set of extensive tools that can help you bring your images to life.

Let’s check out the three subscription plans offered by Adobe. Based on your needs, you can choose any of these.

Lightroom CC plan: if you go for the annual subscription plan, it will cost you $9.99 monthly. The plan comes with cloud storage of 1 TB along with Lightroom CC. Since this plan doesn’t have Photoshop, you should reconsider your choice.

Photography plan: As far as storage is concerned, this plan may not be the best. It comes with a cloud space of 20GB along with Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom CC, and Photoshop CC. The monthly subscription costs $9.99, which is quite reasonable.

Photography plan: Just like the Photography Plan, this one offers an additional space of 1 TB on the cloud server for Lightroom CC. The monthly cost will be $19.99. So, this is another good package to consider.

Features of Adobe Photoshop CC

Since Adobe Photoshop CC has tons of features, it’s not possible to discuss all of them in this article. For a detailed review, we will have to compile a book. However, we can have an overview of the features and the tools it offers.

When editing photos with Photoshop, you are working on the pixel level. Therefore, you can’t reverse the changes you have made. However, the good thing about Adobe Photoshop CC is that it allows you to go back whenever you need as it has a system of layers.

The thing is that layers are the hub of this software’s features. In other words, you can change how your image looks without making any changes to the actual pixels. Aside from this, the software allows you to join many layers to make complex montages.

Another great feature allows you to add vector-oriented layers. They can be edited again. This feature is great for both photographers and designers. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the software is equally useful for artists, designers, and professional illustrators.

The masking and selection tools are just amazing provided you know how to use them for the right subjects. You need to have strong skills to use these tools. You can get started from the Selection Brush. Alternatively, you can use the command Select Subject. This command can help you select the primary subject with ease.

While editing, you may have to change the selections a bit to blend or hide some rough edges. The good thing is that the solution has a dedicated tool for this purpose. The software offers the best set of tools if you want to retouch or clone your images.

Easy-to-navigate interface

As far as the UI is concerned, this remarkable software features a simple interface. Unlike other software in this category, Adobe Photoshop CC looks quite clean and free of clutter. It offers uncluttered space for you to perform the editing more easily.

On the bottom left side, you can find a vertical toolbar. This toolbar features many fly-out menus. From these menus, you can choose different cloning and brush tools. On top, you can find a slim bar that can help you adjust display settings. On the right side, there is a system of collapsible palettes that have all that you need, such as adjustments, actions, and channels.


As far as performance is concerned, Photoshop works great on an iMac that runs 16GB of RAM. Although some processes may cause the system to slow down, it works great in most cases.

For regular operations, you may not find any problem with the software. Even if you need to edit a 50MP photo, the software slows down or gets stuck. As far as image quality is concerned, it all boils down to your skill level.

If you are already familiar with Photoshop software, you can easily handle raw images and edit them the way you want. If you don’t have solid skills or you have poor judgment, the results may not be good. It’s as simple as it sounds. For those with decent skills, getting the most out of this software is a piece of cake.

If you want to spend on Photoshop CC just because it is the best option out there, you need to think again. Without any doubt, it’s the best editors you can find on the planet but make sure you consider it only if you need to. However, if you need to check presets, effects, raw image processing, and organizing, you may need to go for other plug-ins and programs.

The takeaway

From a practical point of view, Photoshop is a must-have program for beginner or expert artists. As said earlier, if you need to use Photoshop CC, know that you need to pay for a Creative Cloud subscription. So, if you can spend $9.99 monthly, there is no reason why you can’t get the most out of the great features offered by this photo editing solution. Photoshop CC is an efficient and premier solution for photo editors.